HCA Videos

How to cook with seaweed powder:

Harnessing the remarkable versatility of seaweed powder in cooking. At least 10 ways to incorporate seaweed powder into your favourite dishes while enhancing their flavour.

Should be listen to what we’ve always been told?:

Not really. This video looks at some of the motives behind public health policy and gives 6 examples of incorrect conventional wisdom.

Adapted from a lesson in the 40+ Rebuild program.

Is the food pyramid or myplate useful for you?:

Why dietary guidelines are the way they are and what might be a better approach to food choices.

Adapted from a lesson in the 40+ Rebuild program.

Heavy work protein:

An example of the quantity of protein required for intense physical work and the types of meals that are a high quality source.

Are grass-fed meat and milk better?

A brief look at a recent study comparing the nutritional quality of grass fed and grain fed meat and dairy.